From mental health disorders to heart problems and infections to organ failure, prescription drugs are used to treat various illnesses.
A report produced by Public Health England in 2019 determined that one in four adults in England consume addiction prescription drugs each year.
The information further established that at least half of those prescribed a prescription drug for mental health conditions or chronic pain had been taking them for at least one year.
While virtually harmless to those that administer them as recommended by medical professionals, if used over a long period, prescription drugs can cause addictions to arise.
What Types of Prescription Drugs Are Available in the UK?
Across the UK, 12 million people are prescribed a drug to relieve them of signs and symptoms associated with various medical conditions each year.
The most common types of prescription drugs are Opioids, Antidepressants and Benzodiazepines.
Each of these prescription drug groups has its own individual benefits. Opioids, for example, are used to treat and relieve pain.
Meanwhile, Antidepressants are used to ease the symptoms of depression and Benzodiazepines are often prescribed to alleviate anxiety and stress disorders.
As touched on above, when taken for a significant length of time, it is believed that individuals can become dependent on prescription drugs. Unfortunately, this can often cause addictions to emerge.
Signs and Symptoms of a Prescription Drug Addiction
As you begin to realise that you may be addicted to prescription drugs, there is a high chance that you will try to distinguish the feelings associated with addictions.
When considering prescription drug addictions, this can be somewhat perplexing as signs and symptoms will entirely depend on the specific drug.
Below, we have listed some of the most common physical and psychological symptoms related to Prescription Drug Addiction.
Opioid Addiction Symptoms
- – Increasing anxiety and paranoia
- – Experiencing bouts of low-self esteem
- – Inability to focus on simple tasks
- – Frequent mood swings
- – Cravings for substances
- – Changes to the appearance of your skin
- – Weight loss
- – Insomnia
- – Feeling constantly tired
- -Consistent stomach problems
- – Nausea
Antidepressant Addiction Symptoms
- – Feeling increasing anxious
- – Heightened mental health problems
- – Constantly feeling unhappy
- – Changes in your appetite
- – Frequent mood swings
- – Cravings for substances
- – Slurred speech
- – Unexpected changes in your weight
- – Dizziness
- – Feeling tired and exhausted
- – Nausea
Benzodiazepine Addiction Symptoms
- – Feeling somewhat weak
- – Inability to complete simple tasks
- – Poor judgement
- – Lack of focus and motivation
- – Frequent mood swings
- – Cravings for substances
- – Changes in your vision
- – Insomnia
- – Feeling constantly tired
- – Nausea
- – Drowsiness
Although you may believe the symptoms you are experiencing are the result of generally not feeling well or the illness that your prescription drugs treat, if you have noticed any of the above symptoms in yourself, we would urge you to contact us.
Several of the above signs and symptoms are associated with withdrawal symptoms. If you are addicted to prescription drugs and are experiencing withdrawal symptoms, you must take action now.
Prescription Drug Addiction Treatment
If you have become addicted to prescription drugs, there is a possibility that you are left to wonder if you can recover from being addicted to prescription drugs. The simple answer is yes, you can.
However, it would be best if you did not try to do so alone. The withdrawal symptoms experienced when detoxing from prescription drugs such as Antidepressants can cause individuals to encounter suicidal thoughts.
With this in mind, it is essential that detoxing is conducted in a secure rehabilitation facility. Like with all addictions, seeking professional help will provide you with the support and resources you need to overcome your prescription drug addiction.
At Action Rehab, we can refer you to a drug and alcohol rehab to ensure that you receive the specialist treatment required to curb your addiction and make a long-term recovery.
Understanding that each addiction is different, the treatment that you receive for your addiction to prescription drugs will entirely depend on your personal circumstances.
We will take into consideration the medication that you have become addicted to, the length of time that your addiction has been present and the physical and psychological impacts the addiction has. The answers to these questions will form your pre-admission assessment.
They will enable us to determine which treatment centre would be better suited to your addiction. With this in mind, it is paramount that you are entirely honest with us.
Upon considering all of the above factors, your chosen rehab will devise a treatment programme. As you enter rehab, this will be discussed with you in great detail to ensure that you understand the treatment that will be administered.
Treatment programmes typically include detoxing from a substance, progressing through rehabilitation and completing aftercare support.
Throughout each stage of your treatment, you will also undergo psychological therapy. This will give you the ability to address the root of your addiction and create various coping strategies that will contribute to your recovery.
How to Obtain Treatment
Becoming addicted to prescription drugs can have severe consequences on your physical and psychological health. For this reason, you must reach out for help as soon as you realise that you have an addiction.
Delaying treatment for your addiction can impair your cognitive ability. It can also harm your physical health and relationships with others.
As you set out to ask for help, you may feel overwhelmed by the about of information that is given to you. This, in itself, can prevent people from seeking support.
Here at Action Rehab, we will take the stress of locating a rehab and treatment programme from you. Not only will this give you the time you need to fully comprehend your addiction, but it will ensure that you can focus purely on your recovery.
If you are ready to turn your life around and put your addiction behind you, call our team on 0151 268 6992 today.
Posted on Friday, October 23rd, 2020 at 11:14 am in Addiction.