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Addiction doesn’t only affect the sufferer, it affects all those around.

From families to friends, addiction can ravage relationships of any kind and dismantle a life, that is why it is crucial to get the help necessary to combat it.

Helping Peers Suffering from Addiction

If you are calling us on behalf of a friend we can still help, we offer support for friends, family, co-workers etc who are worried and feel like they need to seek help on that person’s behalf.

This is very common in addiction recovery as a lot of those suffering from addiction can be in denial about addiction and it usually takes a family member or someone close to them to get them the help they need.

Once referred onto us we will then look to contact a local centre to see if an intervention can be arranged.

Interventions are a great way to have an open discussion about the individual’s addiction and usually results in them opening up and being more accepting of their situation.

Seek Support Today

We offer support to anyone who is in need of help for addiction-related issues.

The longer waited to reach out, the more damage done to the body and mind. If you feel like yourself or a loved one is showing even the slightest signs of addictive behaviours the best course of action is to act as early as possible so the problem can’t escalate any further.

When you call us, one of our team will ask a series of questions to gauge on what the severity of the addiction. They can recommend what help is required, so simply get in touch to find out how we can help.

Give us a call now on 0151 268 6992.

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