Detoxification is one of the most important steps linked to addiction recovery. It usually sets the tone for the remainder of the recovery process, by promoting physical withdrawal from addictive substances or stimuli.
While it’s a weighty treatment step, many individuals do opt to withdraw independently, through cutting out their consumption, known as ‘going cold turkey’. Reasonably, as consumption itself is seen as an active choice, detoxing is also perceived as an easy, opted for step. Yet, this couldn’t be further from the truth when considering a drug and alcohol addiction, from the surfacing of withdrawal symptoms to the disheartening feelings of untreated addiction.
Instead, a medically ran detox will be recommended to those aiming for withdrawal and addiction recovery. There are in fact many benefits of medically ran detox processes, carrying significant importance when considering health, safety, comfort, and recovery capabilities.
Although going it alone may feel like the easiest, quickest step of detoxification, unfortunately, through such experience, you’ll learn that it isn’t. Instead, gauging the importance of a medically ran detox will be recommended, truly helping you withdraw efficiently and comfortably while continuing towards further addiction treatment.
Here’s some information on detoxification, from its workings to its benefits from a medical standpoint. For support with securing the detoxification process, contact our team at Action Rehab.
What is medical detox?
Medical detox is the process of detoxing from the likes of drugs and alcohol, yet with medical backing. Medical backing will reflect 24/7 observations, recommendations, and structures to ensure that the detox process can be completed safely and proactively.
Many individuals will instead look to complete the detox process alone, as it’s perceived as easy. Yet there are many risks linked to imminently cutting off exposure to drugs and alcohol, without a backup plan. From challenging withdrawal symptoms and the low feelings of incomplete withdrawal to the inability to fully recover from addiction, there are many downfalls to going it alone.
This highlights the importance of a medically ran detox, which ultimately moves clients through the milestones of withdrawal, by making use of replacement prescription drugs and complimenting treatments and therapies. This is the best way to complete a drug and/or alcohol detoxification process, offering many secure benefits.
The importance of a medically ran detox
Right now, your consumption may be consistent and strong. In between each consumption, you may experience a degree of withdrawal symptoms, as your personal tolerance begins to dwindle, as drugs wear off. Currently, you’ll combat such symptoms with ongoing consumption, helping you encounter the positives of drug and alcohol exposure.
However, if you’re attempting to go cold turkey, you will not have the option of ongoing exposure once faced with withdrawal symptoms. This can be extremely difficult to successfully work through, as physical and psychological withdrawal symptoms can be engulfing, expected over a number of days to a week. Withdrawal symptoms that are expected include nausea, irritability, anxiety, depression, paranoia, migraines, intense cravings, excessive sweating, dizziness, low/high blood pressure, vomiting, increased heart rate, and risks of conditions with longevity in mind.
It’s also vital to remember that detoxification, alone, will not promote full addiction recovery. If you do manage to independently detox from drugs and alcohol, there’s a low chance that you’ll also manage to curb your psychological attachments, leaving a very disheartening and depressive experience. It is key that you know how to detox from drugs safely.
Both of these likelihoods highlight the importance of a medically ran detox, to not only preserve your health and comfort through the withdrawal symptoms but also maintain your motivation towards long-term recovery.
With the support and observations of medical professionals, through a medically assisted detox, you can soon withdraw from drugs and alcohol, with full prospects of working towards subsequent treatments and therapies.
If you’re wondering ‘how does detox work?’, feel free to contact our team, where we can provide a timeline of withdrawal for you.
Finding the right detox programme
If you are abusing drugs and/or alcohol, at Action Rehab, we urge you to consider a medically assisted detox. This will ensure that you can slowly and safely move through detoxification yet can also secure the suitability of your detox process.
A key benefit of a medically ran detox is that you will complete an evaluation, prior to activating the withdrawal process. Such evaluation will provide details into your consumption levels, will consider the drugs that you’ve abused and will also look at any health risks. This is very important to ensure that you are fit to detox. It can also offer direction on how to structure the detox process, to protect physical and psychological health.
At Action Rehab, we can help you find the right detox programme, which offers such standards of safeguarding, to ensure that you can work through the detox process and optimally embrace additional steps.
Our rehab referral service can provide you with the assurance of the detox process and its suitability for you, while also guiding you towards post-detox steps, standing as a comprehensive part of rehab.
Post-detox steps
The importance of a medically ran detox speaks volumes when considering addiction recovery. You can move from a state of drug and alcohol abuse to sobriety, with safety and sustainability in mind.
However, to continue such status, additional treatments and therapies will need to work in unison with detox, to help you recover comprehensively.
Through rehab, you’ll have access to the likes of therapy, cognitive behavioural therapy, support groups, lifestyle management and relapse prevention planning. Each will complement the detox process while enhancing abilities to recover psychologically from substance abuse.
Both steps of addiction recovery are very important and must be completed, with medical recommendations and assistance, to ensure that full recovery can be achieved. Disconnecting from addictive substances and learning to live without them is a key attribute of rehab.
You can encounter such attributes by firstly prioritising the importance of a medically ran detox when deciding to withdraw from drugs and alcohol. Through this route, we can help you access the right programme, promoting detoxification and psychological restoration.
Your health, wellbeing, comfort, safety, and recovery capabilities are extremely important. Through lone attempts, you can damage all. Yet through a medically assisted detox, you can protect all, helping you profit from detoxification.
Posted on Friday, July 23rd, 2021 at 12:19 pm in Detox.