Covid-19 has impacted every area of people’s lives, especially regarding alcohol consumption, and Christmas will be no different.
Below is an infographic exploring the impact COVID-19 is expected to have on Christmas and the culture of binge drinking in the UK.
Infographic: Covid-19’s Impact on Christmas Binge Drinking
To understand the culture of binge drinking, we must understand what is considered ‘bingeing’, so this is where this infographic begins. It then moves into how many people admit to binging and the societal cost of binge drinking. From the financial costs to the increase in arrests and hospital admissions.
Worryingly the most likely to binge drink are all genders 16-24, because of this there is a section exploring how and why they consume alcohol at such high volumes. And finally, the infographic discusses the link between Christmas and how it affects parents’ attitudes towards their children and alcohol.
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Posted on Monday, December 14th, 2020 at 11:38 am in Latest News.