Alcohol blackouts and personality changes when drinking large amounts of alcohol are a common occurrence for many people, but why is this?
Although some people can become more confident, talkative, or friendly, negative personality changes from drinking alcohol can include anything from aggression to sadness and other serious behaviour changes.
Find out more about the relationship between alcohol blackouts and personality changes here.
What is An Alcohol Blackout?
An alcohol blackout is a temporary period of memory loss or amnesia that occurs when a person drinks too much alcohol, commonly experienced by alcoholics and binge drinkers.
During a blackout, individuals may engage in activities and conversations but later have no recollection of them. Blackouts can vary in severity, ranging from partial where moments have been lost, to complete memory loss. They typically occur when a person’s blood alcohol concentration (BAC) rises rapidly and interferes with the brain.
Alcohol blackouts are different from passing out or losing consciousness from alcohol intoxication. During a blackout, a person may appear conscious and alert but will have no memory of events or conversations later on.
Blackouts can be dangerous as individuals may engage in risky behaviours without realising it, and repeated occurrences can lead to long-term cognitive problems.
It is crucial to drink responsibly and be aware of the signs of alcohol abuse. If you are regularly experiencing alcohol blackouts that change your personality, consider seeking professional alcohol abuse treatment.
Do Alcohol Blackouts Change Your Personality?
Alcohol affects the central nervous system and leads to changes in brain function and behaviour, particularly in people who are extremely under the influence or blackout drunk. The effects of alcohol on personality can vary widely depending on factors such as the individual’s tolerance, the amount of alcohol consumed, the social setting, and the individual’s biology and genetics.
Some people who drink experience significant personality changes when drunk, whereas others experience slight changes such as becoming more confident or forward than usual.
Common effects of alcohol on personality include mood alterations, impaired judgment, personality exaggeration such as emotional volatility and aggression, and in alcohol blackout cases, memory impairment.
Mood alterations can include increased euphoria, sadness, or aggression and impaired judgment can result in poor decision-making and an inability to accurately assess risks.
People under the influence of alcohol commonly show exaggerated personality traits, such as extroverts who become even more outgoing, and shy individuals who become more withdrawn or anxious than usual.
Emotional responses may become heightened, leading to exaggerated or unpredictable reactions. Memory impairment can lead to gaps in memory or blackouts where events are not remembered.
While alcohol-induced personality changes are typically reversible once sober, chronic alcohol abuse can lead to more long-term alterations in personality and behaviour, as well as serious health consequences.
Common Alcohol Blackout Personality Changes
Alcohol blackout personality changes vary from person to person, but can include the following changes:
- Memory Impairment: Blackouts result in significant impairment of memory function. This can lead to partial or complete gaps in memory, where individuals are unable to recall events that occurred during the blackout period.
- Impulsive Behaviour: During a blackout, individuals may exhibit heightened impulsivity, making them act on immediate desires without considering potential consequences. This can lead to engaging in risky behaviours or making impulsive decisions.
- Extreme Emotional Responses: Blackouts can cause individuals to experience heightened emotional responses, such as increased irritability or exaggerated emotional reactions. Emotions may become amplified and more difficult to control.
- Risky Behaviours: Blackouts often result in individuals engaging in risky behaviours that they may not consider when sober. This can include reckless driving, unsafe sexual practices, or substance abuse.
- Poor Decision-Making: Due to impaired cognitive function during a blackout, individuals may make poor decisions or judgments that they would not normally make when sober. This can include financial decisions, arguments with close ones, or choices related to personal safety.
- Aggressive Behaviour: A common personality change from alcohol is aggressive behaviour, both physical and verbal. People who are heavily intoxicated are much more likely to be involved in fights, domestic abuse or emotional aggression.
- Disorientation: During and after an alcohol blackout, individuals may experience disorientation or confusion, as they struggle to piece together fragmented memories or make sense of their actions.
- Loss of Control: Blackouts represent a loss of control over one’s actions and behaviours, as individuals may be unable to remember or account for their actions during the blackout.
Are Alcohol Blackouts Dangerous?
Alcohol blackouts can be dangerous due to their potential to lead to risky behaviours, health risks, memory impairment, and emotional consequences that often exist after binge drinking has ended.
When individuals experience blackouts, they may engage in actions without being aware of the potential harm they pose to themselves and others such as accidents, injuries, or legal issues.
Excessive alcohol consumption, which is the cause of blackouts, can have detrimental effects on health, including alcohol poisoning and organ damage. Repeated alcohol blackouts can also lead to long-term memory impairment and cognitive dysfunction, affecting a person’s daily life and potentially their personality long-term.
The emotional toll of blackouts, including feelings of guilt, shame, or anxiety, can contribute to mental health issues which can further cause personality changes.
Alcohol blackouts can be very dangerous and a cause of significant personality changes, relationship breakdowns and other social problems.
Get Help for Alcohol Abuse and Blackouts
If you are experiencing regular alcohol blackouts, you may be suffering from a binge drinking disorder or an alcohol addiction. These conditions can negatively impact a person’s life, so seeking professional help as soon as possible is recommended to avoid long-term health problems and personality changes. See our tips to help you stop binge drinking here.
At Action Rehab we can help you get back on track and on the road to recovery. We work with alcohol rehab centres across the country to find you the best treatment for your needs. Phone us today on 0151 268 6992 or fill out our contact form today.
Posted on Friday, March 22nd, 2024 at 2:44 pm in Alcoholism, Latest News.